[smc-discuss] Re: translating timezones4.pot in kdebase

Praveen A pravi.a at gmail.com
Sat Jun 21 22:49:22 PDT 2008

2008/6/18 Syam Krishnan <syamcr at gmail.com>:
> Wasn't timezones already translated by Joju?

Last 2-3 weeks I was travelling and had access to mails twice or
thrice a week, so somehow missed it. Anyway I duplicated it and
completed the translation again, my bad :-( Sorry about it.


I will compare the two and take best translations.

Is there any other files missing to be committed? Can everyone check
if their files are uptodate or not at
http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n-kde4/ml/messages/ ?

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