Fwd: [Mailinglist] Big Buck Bunny Officially Released

Praveen A pravi.a at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 08:40:45 PDT 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sameer Mohamed Thahir <sameer.thahir at gmail.com>
Date: 2008/6/1
Subject: [Mailinglist] Big Buck Bunny Officially Released
To: "This List discusses GNU/Linux & GNU, GPL Software"
<mailinglist at ilug-cochin.org>

Hello ILUG Members

The much awaited second installment of the Open Movie Project after "Orange"
called "Peach" has released "Big Buck Bunny" on 30/05/2008.


What is an Open Movie ??

The movie has been entirely made using Free and Open Source Software*.
And it is released entirely as open content, means the entire production
( like source code ) is made available to the public, and they have all
the freedoms.

The main Free Software tool used is Blender, which is under the GPL License.
Blender(www.blender.org) has evolved to become a powerful 3D modeling
animation tool.
Also Gimp(www.gimp.org) (and other FOSS tools ) has really utilized the
power of Free and Open Source Software and the community such that
the result can challenge any mainstream animation movie.

Indeed has undoubtedly proven the power of the FOSS community and all
cheers to the Peach team.
( and especially to Ton Roosendaal, the man behind it )

 From http://www.bigbuckbunny.org/index.php/about/


This Open movie project had as main targets:

   * Developing tools in Blender for editing and rendering hair, fur or
   * Improve character animation tools for cartoonish motion and
   * Test Blender with giant outdoor environments, with large grassy
     fields and many trees with leaves
   * Further validate Blender as a professional animation creation suite

And secondary:

   * Create a great and good looking animation short, licensed freely
     as open content
   * Provide content for other artists to learn from or to re-use,
     including documentation and tutorials

And of course: Have lots of fun!

The results of the Peach open movie project has been licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
<http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/> license. This includes all
the data we'll publish online and on the DVDs, and all of the contents
on this website. If any content on this site is not licensed as such, it
will be clearly indicated.

In short, this means you can freely reuse and distribute this content,
also commercially, for as long you provide a proper attribution.

The attribution is:
*(c) copyright Blender Foundation | www.bigbuckbunny.org*

Excluded from the Creative Commons is: all logos on this website
(including Blender logo, Peach logo, Creative Commons logo) and
associated trademarks.


Find more information

I have got the high definition videos for the movie in ogg theora, h.264
and mpeg4 ( thanks a lot to Devarajan Sir )
Will be getting the rest of the formats ( low res ones) and the entire
production files soon.

Anyone interested do get in touch.

Remember big buck bunny will be an opportunity to bring in people
(especially kids)
and entertain them ( its just 10 mins ) and also explain to them the
concept of Free Software and the

Anyone interested in screening please let us know.

And people who work with blender or who are planning to, do tell us your

So i guess the party will begin now, and yes firefox 3 party also round
the corner!!!

I think it will be party time in kochi for the monsoon!!!

Thank You

Sameer Mohamed Thahir

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