[smc-discuss] Re: MALAYALAM OCR

Anivar Aravind anivar.aravind at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 03:32:55 PDT 2008

Deepthi Kurup wrote:
> i have decided to select MALAYALAM OCR,optical character recognition as 
> my mini project...
> so i need details about ,from where to start and on what all factors 
> should i concentrate.i came
> across a Mocr named NAYANA developed by C-DAC trivandram  can anyone 
> provide me the source code of nayana

Nayana is a proprietary software. Work on adding malayalam support to 
best Free Software  OCR available, Tesseract OCR

Debayan is working on Indic support to it . see 

Work with him for enabling Malayalam support


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