GSoC 2009 Promotional Screencast now available

Philip Johnson philipmjohnson at
Fri Feb 20 11:12:59 PST 2009

Thanks for the nice comments, everyone.  I've just uploaded the
presentation to the GSoC YouTube channel, so here's another URL that
you can use:

The original URLs will continue to work for the foreseeable future.

In reply to your questions:

There was about a 20 minute Q&A after the talk.  Many of the questions
had to do with either the specifics of my project (Hackystat), or what
it was like to be a program administrator and mentor.  After review,
it seemed to me that there just wasn't enough value added for student
applicants to warrant doubling the length of the presentation.

As for open source formats (OGG, etc.), I would be delighted for these
materials to be available that way, but I don't know how to do the
conversion. If anyone feels so inspired and posts links to share, that
would be great.


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