[smc-discuss] Create smc-events list (was Re: Help on offline activities)

Praveen A pravi.a at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 10:51:58 PDT 2013

2013/10/3, Praveen A <pravi.a at gmail.com>:
> People subscribe to this list to follow smc activities.

Lets create a separate list for organizing events and then only
interested people need to subscribe. Please vote,


> Being a volunteer
> group, it is in our interest to be have more people being able to do
> certain tasks. If we are doing a task for this meetup (I hope you don't
> object to discussing event organization in this list), it is likely that
> next time when we organize another meetup, we would want to do the same
> tasks. If we document it, we remove dependencies on a single person, and
> enable new people to take up the same task. If only the cd burning of wiki
> source were doumented, Manoj wouldn't be having to struggle and find out
> everything again for the second edition. I say document any activity that
> we are likely repeat and another person might be doing it next time.
> Documenting processes is important if we want to have a sustainable
> community. If not only a few people would be able to do certain things and
> when they are busy they become bottlenecks. When everyone knows what
> exactly to be done, it becomes easier for new people to volunteer. I don't
> understand the reluctance to share and document processes.
> On Oct 3, 2013 10:07 AM, "Santhosh Thottingal" <
> santhosh.thottingal at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thursday, October 3, 2013, Praveen A wrote: > > I would like to see this
> disussion onlist. Next...
> Please help us to focus on the objective of this list. There are thousands
> of useful information that can be discussed in this list if I agree with
> your proposal. It can be printing Tshirts, burning CDs, Food arrangement
> for the programs.. no end to this. Everything has its own importance to a
> few people working on it. People subscribe to this mailing list not to
> learn the logistics of Printing T Shirts.
> If you meant transparency, transparency is bidirectional.
> Telling/documenting _everything_ we do to everyone no matter whether they
> are interested or not is not the practical way. People interested in
> specific topics ask relevant questions in appropriate forums. Why it is so
> hard to understand this?
> santhosh
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