[smc-discuss] What is SMC? (Was Re: SMC at 12 (Exhibition))

Anivar Aravind anivar.aravind at gmail.com
Fri Oct 4 23:03:41 PDT 2013

2013/10/5 Praveen A <pravi.a at gmail.com>

> If I knew we would end up just like another registered organization, I
> wouldn't have supported registering SMC. Also if we were having the
> disussion right now, if we should register, I wouldn't support either. Now
> that we are already registered, we have to live with it.
At first I disagree with the judging premise. I think it is too early for
judgements.  We have fixed general body meeting prior to the event ie on
13th to discuss How we can move forward . Hope you will bring this
discussion in the meeting .

> For me, registering was purely for logistics and legal requirement of
> accepting and managing money.
AFAIK , the role of registration and functioning was same so far .

>  I have strong disagreement over the way SMC is being projected as just
> another organization celebrating 12 year anniversary. How can an
> organization registered in 2010 have 12 year anniversary? For me, SMC is a
> platform for everyone involved in Free Software with focus on supporting
> Malayalam.

Who is claiming it is 12th year of the Organisation. We never claimed it
anywhere . It is the 12th year of community project started by Baiju. I
think you are building a strawman argument here . And role of the
registration in this event is just to handle payments , logistics and
As you rightly said SMC is a platform for everyone involved in Free
Software with focus on supporting Malayalam.  And the organisation is a
logical followup of the project driven by the community . And membership is
open to all who contributed to freesoftware and malayalam computing (2/3rd
majority of General body have to accept you are a contributor)  Where is
the conflicting point in that .

> It is now a question for everyone considering themself to be a part of SMC
> to decide if this is the way you want to see us move forward.
What is the conflicting point here ? Anyway if there is any concerns and
issues. feel free to discuss it in General body  on 13th .

 For me, any event is an opportunity to get new people directly involved in
> Free Software and expanding community as opposed to keeping people away as
> outsiders.
We are not branding anyone as outsiders . That was a wrong coinage in
Suraj's mail. Hope you read my reply.

> I hope we'll have a serious debate on what is SMC and who is part of SMC
> in our general body meeting.
This is a must .

~ regards
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