[smc-discuss] Copyright

Praveen A pravi.a at gmail.com
Sat Oct 5 21:11:46 PDT 2013

There are different approaches to a bad law (copyright)

1. Use it to work the way we want/hack it (copyleft, cc)
2. Do not use the law, reject advantages we get (public domain, copyheart)
3. Actively organize people to change the law (pirates)

All these approaches can be taken in different situations. For funtional
knowledge like software or documentation, copyleft may be a good option.
For non funtional knowledge like artwworks (icons, movies etc), copyheart
may be an option, and in the long run, we may want to change the laws
itself and political organization is an option there, pirates have
representatives in European pparliament and they are already succeeding in
blocking even more restrictive copyright laws.

On Oct 5, 2013 1:50 PM, "Nandakumar" <nandakumar96 at gmail.com> wrote:

© Swathanthra Malayalam Computing 2013 - All Wrongs Reversed
(ഈ ചിഹ്നം തിരിഞ്ഞിട്ടാണ് സൈറ്റില്‍. കോപ്പി ചെയ്തപ്പോള്‍ കോപ്പിലെഫ്റ്റ്
കോപ്പിറൈറ്റായത് നോക്കുക).

All Wrongs Reversed -- ഇതിന് നിയമസാധുതയുണ്ടോ?
(C) 2013 Swathanthra Malayalam Computing
Contents under (CC license, type, version)
എന്നതല്ലേ വൃത്തി?
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