[smc-discuss] [Git][smc/rachana][master] Redesigned Praslesha sign for regular and bold versions

Santhosh Thottingal gitlab at gitlab.com
Wed Jul 8 00:09:47 PDT 2015

Santhosh Thottingal pushed to branch master at SMC / Rachana

4f9d9a3e by Santhosh Thottingal at 2015-07-08T12:39:20Z
Redesigned Praslesha sign for regular and bold versions

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- Rachana-Bold.sfd
- Rachana.sfd


--- a/Rachana-Bold.sfd
+++ b/Rachana-Bold.sfd
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ OS2Version: 1
 OS2_WeightWidthSlopeOnly: 0
 OS2_UseTypoMetrics: 1
 CreationTime: 1201144321
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@@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ OS2SupXOff: 0
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 OS2FamilyClass: 768
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@@ -7578,64 +7576,54 @@ EndChar
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 Encoding: 151 3389 151
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+Width: 1114
+VWidth: 1000
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-Flags: MW
-LayerCount: 2
-220 -259.5 m 0,0,1
- 227 -271 227 -271 227 -284 c 128,-1,2
- 227 -297 227 -297 215 -311.181818182 c 128,-1,3
- 203 -325.363636364 203 -325.363636364 203 -338.181818182 c 128,-1,4
- 203 -351 203 -351 211.5 -351 c 0,5,6
- 233.271186441 -351 233.271186441 -351 242.63559322 -308.5 c 128,-1,7
- 252 -266 252 -266 259 -225.5 c 128,-1,8
- 266 -185 266 -185 272 -136.5 c 128,-1,9
- 278 -88 278 -88 284 -37 c 128,-1,10
- 290 14 290 14 295 64 c 128,-1,11
- 300 114 300 114 304.5 158 c 0,12,13
- 313.846153846 249.384615385 313.846153846 249.384615385 318 293 c 1,14,-1
- 161 245 l 1,15,-1
- 161 431 l 1,16,-1
- 340 485 l 1,17,18
- 426 1216 426 1216 679 1216 c 0,19,20
- 743.5 1216 743.5 1216 779.5 1168 c 0,21,22
- 811 1126 811 1126 811 1080 c 128,-1,23
- 811 1034 811 1034 804 1010 c 128,-1,24
- 797 986 797 986 782.5 967 c 0,25,26
- 750.447368421 925 750.447368421 925 700 925 c 0,27,28
- 651.608695652 925 651.608695652 925 630 960.5 c 0,29,30
- 623 972 623 972 623 985 c 128,-1,31
- 623 998 623 998 628.5 1004.5 c 128,-1,32
- 634 1011 634 1011 638 1017 c 0,33,34
- 647 1030.5 647 1030.5 647 1041.25 c 128,-1,35
- 647 1052 647 1052 638.5 1052 c 0,36,37
- 618.914893617 1052 618.914893617 1052 608.957446809 1016 c 128,-1,38
- 599 980 599 980 593 948.5 c 128,-1,39
- 587 917 587 917 581.5 879.5 c 128,-1,40
- 576 842 576 842 571 803 c 128,-1,41
- 566 764 566 764 562 725.5 c 128,-1,42
- 558 687 558 687 554 653 c 128,-1,43
- 550 619 550 619 547.5 591 c 128,-1,44
- 545 563 545 563 543 546 c 1,45,-1
- 681 588 l 1,46,-1
- 681 404 l 1,47,-1
- 523 356 l 1,48,49
- 519 319 519 319 513 262 c 128,-1,50
- 507 205 507 205 497 137 c 128,-1,51
- 487 69 487 69 473.5 -5.5 c 128,-1,52
- 460 -80 460 -80 441 -152 c 128,-1,53
- 422 -224 422 -224 396.5 -290 c 128,-1,54
- 371 -356 371 -356 338 -406 c 0,55,56
- 266.06 -515 266.06 -515 171 -515 c 0,57,58
- 106.5 -515 106.5 -515 70.5 -467 c 0,59,60
- 39 -425 39 -425 39 -379 c 128,-1,61
- 39 -333 39 -333 46 -309 c 128,-1,62
- 53 -285 53 -285 67.5 -266 c 0,63,64
- 99.5526315789 -224 99.5526315789 -224 150 -224 c 0,65,66
- 198.391304348 -224 198.391304348 -224 220 -259.5 c 0,0,1
+Flags: MWO
+LayerCount: 2
+281.283203125 -335.888671875 m 4,0,1
+ 281.283203125 -369.526367188 281.283203125 -369.526367188 253.369140625 -406.74609375 c 5,2,3
+ 324.435546875 -406.74609375 324.435546875 -406.74609375 353.21484375 -238.19140625 c 4,4,5
+ 362.53515625 -183.595703125 362.53515625 -183.595703125 377.706054688 -80.443359375 c 132,-1,6
+ 392.877929688 22.7099609375 392.877929688 22.7099609375 405.368164062 95.5771484375 c 132,-1,7
+ 417.859375 168.4453125 417.859375 168.4453125 433.1171875 294.880859375 c 132,-1,8
+ 448.375 421.315429688 448.375 421.315429688 469.9296875 546.609375 c 5,9,-1
+ 319.93359375 546.609375 l 5,10,-1
+ 319.93359375 720.53125 l 5,11,-1
+ 503.302734375 720.53125 l 5,12,-1
+ 530.357421875 845.068359375 l 6,13,14
+ 548.603515625 927.61328125 548.603515625 927.61328125 599.068359375 1053.34570312 c 28,15,16
+ 669 1228 669 1228 814.861328125 1292.7578125 c 4,17,18
+ 865.3203125 1315.30273438 865.3203125 1315.30273438 932.95703125 1315.30371094 c 132,-1,19
+ 1000.59277344 1315.3046875 1000.59277344 1315.3046875 1057.49414062 1266.9921875 c 132,-1,20
+ 1114.39453125 1218.6796875 1114.39453125 1218.6796875 1114.39453125 1141.57128906 c 132,-1,21
+ 1114.39453125 1064.46289062 1114.39453125 1064.46289062 1086.48046875 1026.69628906 c 4,22,23
+ 1036.34960938 958.870117188 1036.34960938 958.870117188 970.16015625 958.869140625 c 132,-1,24
+ 903.970703125 958.869140625 903.970703125 958.869140625 868.541015625 1009.328125 c 132,-1,25
+ 833.111328125 1059.78710938 833.111328125 1059.78710938 833.111328125 1108.09960938 c 132,-1,26
+ 833.111328125 1156.41113281 833.111328125 1156.41113281 854.583984375 1190.76757812 c 5,27,28
+ 790.108398438 1176.95214844 790.108398438 1176.95214844 761.181640625 1015.77148438 c 4,29,30
+ 753.66796875 973.911132812 753.66796875 973.911132812 735.447265625 892.926757812 c 132,-1,31
+ 717.2265625 811.942382812 717.2265625 811.942382812 703.43359375 720.53125 c 5,32,-1
+ 895.380859375 720.53125 l 5,33,-1
+ 895.380859375 546.609375 l 5,34,-1
+ 678.6015625 546.609375 l 5,35,36
+ 673.841796875 512.736328125 673.841796875 512.736328125 667.596679688 467.458007812 c 132,-1,37
+ 661.3515625 422.180664062 661.3515625 422.180664062 643.532226562 301.892578125 c 132,-1,38
+ 625.712890625 181.604492188 625.712890625 181.604492188 605.94921875 84.970703125 c 132,-1,39
+ 586.185546875 -11.662109375 586.185546875 -11.662109375 569.0078125 -94.328125 c 132,-1,40
+ 551.830078125 -176.995117188 551.830078125 -176.995117188 520.6953125 -250 c 4,41,42
+ 461.337890625 -389.182617188 461.337890625 -389.182617188 388.260742188 -458.084960938 c 132,-1,43
+ 315.182617188 -526.986328125 315.182617188 -526.986328125 214.491210938 -526.987304688 c 132,-1,44
+ 113.80078125 -526.98828125 113.80078125 -526.98828125 56.90234375 -479.75 c 132,-1,45
+ 0.001953125 -432.51171875 0.001953125 -432.51171875 0 -359.74609375 c 132,-1,46
+ 0 -286.981445312 0 -286.981445312 30.060546875 -250.239257812 c 4,47,48
+ 84.716796875 -183.434570312 84.716796875 -183.434570312 145.423828125 -183.436523438 c 132,-1,49
+ 206.130859375 -183.4375 206.130859375 -183.4375 243.70703125 -222.0859375 c 132,-1,50
+ 281.283203125 -260.736328125 281.283203125 -260.736328125 281.283203125 -335.888671875 c 4,0,1
@@ -9225,6 +9213,7 @@ SplineSet
  330 -164 330 -164 271.5 -207.5 c 0,42,43
  252 -222 252 -222 226 -222 c 0,0,1
+LCarets2: 1 0
 Ligature2: "'pstf' Post Base Forms in Malay+AQEA-lam2 lookup 8 subtable" xx y1
 Ligature2: "'pstf' Post Base Forms in Malay+AQEA-lam lookup 8 subtable" y1 xx

--- a/Rachana.sfd
+++ b/Rachana.sfd
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ OS2Version: 1
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 CreationTime: 1201144321
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+ModificationTime: 1436339031
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 TTFWeight: 400
 TTFWidth: 5
@@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ OS2SupXOff: 0
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@@ -797,7 +795,7 @@ NameList: Adobe Glyph List
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-WinInfo: 680 34 12
+WinInfo: 0 34 12
 BeginPrivate: 0
 AnchorClass2: "dotreph" "'abvm' Above Base Mark in Malay+AQEA-lam/Malay+AQEA-lam2 lookup 0 subtable" 
@@ -7364,47 +7362,46 @@ EndChar
 StartChar: avagraha
 Encoding: 151 3389 151
-Width: 770
+Width: 915
 GlyphClass: 2
 Flags: MW
 LayerCount: 2
-238 372 m 1,0,-1
- 238 486 l 1,1,-1
- 734 612 l 1,2,-1
- 734 500 l 1,3,-1
- 238 372 l 1,0,-1
-724 1052 m 0,4,5
- 678 1052 678 1052 678 1112 c 0,6,7
- 678 1122 678 1122 684 1138 c 0,8,9
- 690 1156 690 1156 690 1164 c 0,10,11
- 690 1174 690 1174 680 1174 c 0,12,13
- 652 1174 652 1174 618 1008 c 1,14,15
- 590 884 590 884 584 794 c 1,16,17
- 542 508 542 508 514 330 c 1,18,19
- 476 74 476 74 432 -66 c 1,20,21
- 354 -324 354 -324 234 -324 c 0,22,23
- 148 -324 148 -324 148 -226 c 0,24,25
- 148 -194 148 -194 162 -166 c 128,-1,26
- 176 -138 176 -138 200 -138 c 0,27,28
- 254 -138 254 -138 254 -198 c 0,29,30
- 254 -204 254 -204 240 -248 c 1,31,32
- 244 -252 244 -252 246 -252 c 0,33,34
- 272 -252 272 -252 302 -162 c 1,35,36
- 330 -72 330 -72 342 -4 c 0,37,38
- 354 66 354 66 362 124 c 1,39,-1
- 480 838 l 2,40,41
- 488 892 488 892 502 950 c 0,42,43
- 516 1006 516 1006 540 1076 c 1,44,45
- 566 1146 566 1146 602 1190 c 1,46,47
- 638 1232 638 1232 684 1232 c 0,48,49
- 722 1232 722 1232 750 1206 c 128,-1,50
- 778 1180 778 1180 778 1130 c 0,51,52
- 778 1052 778 1052 724 1052 c 0,4,5
+161 -505 m 4,0,1
+ 0 -505 0 -505 0 -345 c 4,2,3
+ 0 -266 0 -266 61 -222 c 4,4,5
+ 79 -209 79 -209 114.5 -208.5 c 132,-1,6
+ 150 -208 150 -208 177.5 -242 c 132,-1,7
+ 205 -276 205 -276 205 -322 c 132,-1,8
+ 205 -368 205 -368 184 -401 c 5,9,10
+ 236 -401 236 -401 278.5 -238 c 132,-1,11
+ 321 -75 321 -75 343 95 c 132,-1,12
+ 365 265 365 265 379 391 c 132,-1,13
+ 393 517 393 517 408.5 600 c 132,-1,14
+ 424 683 424 683 432 730 c 132,-1,15
+ 440 777 440 777 463 871 c 132,-1,16
+ 486 965 486 965 520.5 1046 c 132,-1,17
+ 555 1127 555 1127 620.5 1192.5 c 132,-1,18
+ 686 1258 686 1258 763 1258 c 132,-1,19
+ 840 1258 840 1258 877.5 1217 c 132,-1,20
+ 915 1176 915 1176 915 1113.5 c 132,-1,21
+ 915 1051 915 1051 888.5 1006 c 132,-1,22
+ 862 961 862 961 813 961 c 132,-1,23
+ 764 961 764 961 738.5 1003 c 132,-1,24
+ 713 1045 713 1045 713 1086 c 132,-1,25
+ 713 1127 713 1127 729 1154 c 5,26,27
+ 654 1154 654 1154 589 820 c 4,28,29
+ 570 723 570 723 540 479 c 4,30,31
+ 470 -93 470 -93 405 -259 c 4,32,33
+ 310 -505 310 -505 161 -505 c 4,0,1
+743 707 m 5,34,-1
+ 743 580 l 5,35,-1
+ 244 580 l 5,36,-1
+ 244 707 l 5,37,-1
+ 743 707 l 5,34,-1
-Validated: 5
 StartChar: a2
@@ -8969,6 +8966,7 @@ SplineSet
  788 -46 788 -46 788 -204 c 0,0,1
 Validated: 1
+LCarets2: 1 0
 Ligature2: "'pstf' Post Base Forms in Malay+AQEA-lam2 lookup 8 subtable" xx y1
 Ligature2: "'pstf' Post Base Forms in Malay+AQEA-lam lookup 8 subtable" y1 xx

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/smc/rachana/commit/4f9d9a3edace2818334763a98e8c2e3b801a096e
-------------- next part --------------
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