[gnu.org #351798] Unacceptable behavior of Malayalam coordinator and www-ml administrator

Praveen A pravi.a at gmail.com
Sun Jun 29 13:46:31 PDT 2008

2008/6/30 Yavor Doganov via RT <web-translators at gnu.org>:
>> Since no other name has been proposed for the post of Malayalam
>> coordinator to gnu.org translations, Shyam Karanattu has been selected
>> unanimously.
> OK, can you please advise his e-mail address?

"shyam karanattu" <aeshyamae at gmail.com>,

> Let's wait 2 or 3 days (but not more) in case someone objects.


>> Lets leave behind the differences
> What differences?  There are differences that even classify as conflicts
> in your camp; AFAICT (except a few misunderstandings) we don't have a
> problem with any Malayalam contributor.

>> and quickly complete the necessary steps to include the translations
>> in the gnu.org website.
> It mostly depends on Shyam, although some lags on our side are possible.
> If he/she is energetic enough, the process can take a week.  Usually it
> takes a month or two, and unfortunately often it doesn't happen at all
> since the prospective leader loses interest and doesn't reply to our
> questions/advices.  I hope this won't be the case with Malayalam.

I'm sure we would be able to finish it by one or maximum two weeks.
>> I am sure Shyam would be a great coordinator with his committment and
>> enthusiasm for Free Software.
> I trust that you all have done the right thing.
> (P.S.  FYI, we are in the process of revising the translation process.
> The full documentation is still not available, but all Malayalam
> gnu.org translators might want to read
> http://gnu.org/software/trans-coord/manual.  In short, this is something
> like gnome-doc-utils -- I'm sure some of you are familiar with it.  All
> translations are maintained as PO files, and the .LANG.html are
> automatically rebuilt daily.  This is how the Malayalam translations
> will be uploaded at gnu.org, as article.ml.po files.)


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