[gnu.org #351798] Unacceptable behavior of Malayalam coordinator and www-ml administrator

Yavor Doganov via RT web-translators at gnu.org
Sun Jun 29 13:23:02 PDT 2008

> Since no other name has been proposed for the post of Malayalam 
> coordinator to gnu.org translations, Shyam Karanattu has been selected 
> unanimously.

OK, can you please advise his e-mail address?
Let's wait 2 or 3 days (but not more) in case someone objects.

> Lets leave behind the differences

What differences?  There are differences that even classify as conflicts 
in your camp; AFAICT (except a few misunderstandings) we don't have a 
problem with any Malayalam contributor.

> and quickly complete the necessary steps to include the translations 
> in the gnu.org website.

It mostly depends on Shyam, although some lags on our side are possible.  
If he/she is energetic enough, the process can take a week.  Usually it 
takes a month or two, and unfortunately often it doesn't happen at all 
since the prospective leader loses interest and doesn't reply to our 
questions/advices.  I hope this won't be the case with Malayalam.

> I am sure Shyam would be a great coordinator with his committment and 
> enthusiasm for Free Software.

I trust that you all have done the right thing.

(P.S.  FYI, we are in the process of revising the translation process.  
The full documentation is still not available, but all Malayalam 
gnu.org translators might want to read 
http://gnu.org/software/trans-coord/manual.  In short, this is something 
like gnome-doc-utils -- I'm sure some of you are familiar with it.  All 
translations are maintained as PO files, and the .LANG.html are 
automatically rebuilt daily.  This is how the Malayalam translations 
will be uploaded at gnu.org, as article.ml.po files.)

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