FOURTH ESTATE CRITIQUE ISO has put the OOXML standardisation process on hold

Anivar Aravind anivar.aravind at
Wed Jun 11 02:12:53 PDT 2008

schliz alerts us that ISO, in response to the four appeals (Denmark, 
India, Brazil, South Arica) filed in recent weeks, has put the OOXML 
standardization process on hold. Here is ISO's press release, which says 
that ISO/IEC DIS 29500 will not be published for at least "several 
months" while the appeals process goes forward.

Importantly, as ISO's press release states, 'according to the ISO/IEC 
rules, a document which is the subject of an appeal cannot be published 
as an ISO/IEC International Standard while the appeal is going on. 
Therefore, the decision to publish or not ISO/IEC DIS 29500 as an 
ISO/IEC International Standard cannot be taken until the outcome of the 
appeals is known'.

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