[gnu.org #351798] Unacceptable behavior of Malayalam coordinator and www-ml administrator

Yavor Doganov via RT web-translators at gnu.org
Mon Jun 30 12:34:30 PDT 2008

vivekcherian at gmail.com via RT wrote:
> I object to appointing Shyam as the Malayalam language
> Co-Ordinator. 

Please give valid reasons, including, but not limited to:

1) He has a poor understanding of our philosophy and the core values
   of the free software movement;
2) He has subtle problems with working in a team, let alone organizing
3) He doesn't know:
   3a) English well
   3b) Malayalam well
   3c) is a very poor translator
4) Doesn't have and is unwilling to learn basic technical skills, like
   simple usage of coreutils/findutils/cvs/grep/etc.
5) Doesn't know how to communicate, e.g. doesn't know how to compose/send
   e-mail or other necessary forms of electronic communication.

> he is really enthusiastic at this point about GNU Malayalam L10N and
> also Free Software

In fact, you acknowledge that he is suitable as a coordinator at least
in this aspect.

> but I have stated time and time again there is no need for a new
> Malayalam language co-rodinator now 

As I said several times in this discussion (and in private as well),
if the other Malayalam contributors have lost trust in you and they
don't want you as a leader, you don't have a choice.  We can impose
them the decision of reaffirming you as a co-ordinator, but that would
be utterly wrong.  Teams cannot possibly work this way, so you have
one way to regain trust in the Free World: work as much as possible,
and as good as possible.  People will start believing in you and your
abilities then.

As I said several times in our previous exchange, the position of a
gnu.org translation team leader is no specific privilege; it only
means more work for the person and more responsibility (and more
annoying mail from the web-translators coordinators).  If you care
about the GNU Project and Malayalam, you should be happy with any team
leader as long as things are moving on in the right direction.  And
you should contribute actively for this regardless of the fact whether
you're the current leader or not.  This is what I expect from people
who really *care*.

> as I have done nothing against the GNU principles to be removed as
> the GNU Malayalan Language Co-Ordinator.

The "GNU principles" do not say that you can maintain a project for
3.5 years achieving nothing.  If other contributors complain, which is
the case, and they ask for a change, which I find something
reasonable, it should be no surprise to anyone.
> This is a plot by Praveen and Anivar along with Anwar to remove me
> from the Co-ordinator ship of the GNU Malayalam Project and control
> it using Shyam (who is already a SMC project member) as a decoy.

We are reiterating old discussions.  If you suspect a conspiracy
against you, I already told you how to deal with it.  This place is
not a court, and most (all?) of the accusations are hard to prove even
in a real court.  Our task is to figure out what is the right thing to
do, and to try to do it.

> They are also trying to play a physcological game by driving a rift
> between me and my good friend Shyam by pitting us against each
> other.

How is this at all possible?  You said Shyam is a good friend of
yours, so I can't understand how two good friends could spoil their
friendship fighting for a position that is mostly an administrative
and technical burden?

> King Maker Anivar's 

I suggest that you refrain from calling names.  Whatever your
bitter interaction/experience with Anivar was before, the first and
most important thing for a gnu.org team co-ordinator is to respect
other people.

This doesn't make your statement more authoritative, quite on the

> GNU Malayalam locatisation

Another thing which I've said before: please stop calling the `www-ml'
project this way.  GNU is an operating system and the localization of
the various programs, libraries and documentation (many of them are
not even GNU packages) is not and is not going to be handled by
`www-ml'.  The `www-LANG' projects are projects for translating
gnu.org essays and articles -- nothing more, nothing less.

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