[smc-discuss] Fwd: New PiTiVi Release!

Santhosh Thottingal santhosh00 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 08:09:14 PDT 2008

PiTiVi യുടെ പുതിയ പതിപ്പു് !
നമുക്കെല്ലാം അഭിമാനിക്കാവുന്ന ഒരു പ്രത്യേകത ഇതിനുണ്ടു്.
ഗൂഗിള്‍ സമ്മര്‍ ഓഫ് കോഡിന്റെ ഭാഗമായി ശരത് ലക്ഷ്മണ്‍ (Engineering
student, SMC Contributor) ചെയ്ത പുതിയ സവിശേഷതകള്‍ ഇതിനോടൊപ്പം ഉണ്ടു്
 * Capture interface for webcams and network sources by Sarath Lakshman

-സന്തോഷ് തോട്ടിങ്ങല്‍

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeffrey Ollie <jeff at ocjtech.us>
Date: Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 2:42 AM
Subject: New PiTiVi Release!
To: Development discussions related to Fedora <fedora-devel-list at redhat.com>

Finally, there is a new PiTiVi release and I've built it for F-9 and
rawhide.  Please, take a moment to download it and give it a workout.
Please report bugs upstream (http://pitivi.org/wiki/Main_Page)
Hopefully, it will fix the following bugs:

452490 - GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_caps_get_structure: assertion
`GST_IS_CAPS (caps)' failed
450393 - pitivi shows "Internal data flow error." on launch
440488 - Program crash on start up... possible race condition.
462108 - Pitivi fails to start

>From the release announcement:

* Features of this release

 * New advanced timeline interface by Brandon Lewis (SoC)
 * Capture interface for webcams and network sources by Sarath Lakshman
 * Simple Timeline is gone.
 * Project save/load now activated by default
 * Cutting/Trimming/Removing features added to advanced timeline.
 * Misc fixes and improvements

* Bugs Fixed

 * 552777 : [ruler.py] BadAlloc error with big sources
 * 353870 : Save/Load project from/to file
 * 332473 : Capture from given gstreamer input source
 * 334631 : xvsink crash with python in pitivi
 * 339895 : [Advanced Timeline] Zooming in too much causes X error
 * 432678 : [discoverer] Files that report a duration of 0s is BUGGY !!!
 * 458944 : Cancelling while rendering does not work
 * 461738 : [Advanced Timeline] Scrollbar always comes back to beginning
 * 498071 : [Simple Timeline] Drag and Drop puts clips in the wrong slot
 * 498904 : incorrect indentation: some tabs are mixed with spaces in...
 * 501028 : Missing files from POTFILES.in
 * 501068 : Uses make instead of $(MAKE)
 * 518301 : Pitivi won't start under KDE: " Icon 'misc' not pres...
 * 547095 : [Export Settings] Filter unusable muxers
 * 554544 : net_capture.glade not installed
 * 554602 : seeking is not working correctly ...

Jeff Ollie

"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then
I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the
terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve
them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and
unfairness of the universe."

       -- Marcus to Franklin in Babylon 5: "A Late Delivery from Avalon"

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