[smc-discuss] Malayalam Twitter Bot

Ershad K ershad92 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 10 00:57:51 PDT 2010

Dear all,

	I've written a small twitter based dictionary-bot in python  which uses
python-twitter API and SMC Malayalam dictionary database. Currently, the
program uses @ebotty twitter account (twitter.com/ebotty) to function.

Please see its source here - http://is.gd/cJLO4

It's too buggy now, the program automatically terminates after replying
to a few queries with errors which are either HTTP error[403 -
Forbidden] or Unicode issues [Encoding and Decoding].

Could anyone join to improve the code? I'm only a beginner in python,
and I find it very difficult to fix the unicode errors.

Is it possible to add this project in SMC git?


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