[smc-discuss] PLUS meeting on 10 am June 3 at IRTC, Mundoor, Palakkad

Pirate Praveen praveen at onenetbeyond.org
Sun May 14 07:43:49 PDT 2017

Join in

and join the loomio group to get updates about local activities. We are
hoping to kickstart some local activities in all the local colleges we
can get access to. Hopefully some students from IIT Palakkad will join
as well. There will be a talk on "Introduction to Debian Packaging" by
yours truly.

If you want to propose another talk, suggest it on our loomio group. We
also have groups on matrix, telegram and IRC (all linked). If you are
planning join us, just give a shout to us using any of our channels.

Riot group: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#plus:matrix.org
Telegram: t.me/PlusFreedom
IRC: #plus on irc.oftc.net

Our first meeting was in December 2005

But things have been silent for a long time and this is an effort to
revive this group. Our website got a new url
http://plus.fosscommunity.in/ and we still cherish the mail RMS sent to
the group

Hello, Libre users of Palakkad!

It is exciting to address a group of people who understand what GNU is
really all about.  Most operating systems were developed for
commercial motives or technical motives, but GNU was developed for
ethical ideals: freedom and community.

All user groups invite, teach and help people to use the GNU/Linux
system, and I'm sure you are going to do that.  But your commitment to
freedom means you can also do jobs that get to the root of the matter,
campaigning for software freedom in your schools, in your civic
institutions, and in all areas of life.

Thank you for helping our community, and best wishes to your work.


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