[gnu.org #351798] Unacceptable behavior of Malayalam coordinator and www-ml administrator

Praveen A pravi.a at gmail.com
Sun Jun 29 12:58:03 PDT 2008

2008/6/22 Praveen A <pravi.a at gmail.com>:
> Lets go ahead and decide this without further delay.
> I propose Shyam Karanattu. If we don't see any other names by 29th
> June 2008 he will be our coordinator.

Since no other name has been proposed for the post of Malayalam
coordinator to gnu.org translations, Shyam Karanattu has been selected

Shyam, Congratulations !! and All the very Best...


Lets leave behind the differences and quickly complete the necessary
steps to include the translations in the gnu.org website. I am sure
Shyam would be a great coordinator with his committment and enthusiasm
for Free Software.

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