[Student-projects] GSOC'14

Santhosh Thottingal santhosh.thottingal at gmail.com
Fri Feb 28 02:00:49 PST 2014

Hi Reetesh Ranjan,

Thanks for proposing a project idea. We value student proposed ideas 
than the listed ideas!.

> Whatever I have understood from your projects and webpage is that, SMC
> is an organisation that is trying interface with *Indic Language. *
> But, I guess you are not having any projects for *Sign Language
> Recognition.* Just as speech recognition can transcribe speech to text,
> certain types of gesture recognition software can transcribe the symbols
> represented through sign language into text.We can device an project to
> interface with gesture and using machine learning we make it learn to
> sign language.
> This could be very useful in daily life and will be an gift to deaf and
> dump.

Could you please clarify what exactly you meant by sign language? Is it 

Is it like recognizing the meaning from the video of gestures? Can you 
explain with some real world examples? We never worked on this kind of 
projects. So I am afraid whether you can find any experts from SMC to 
guide you on this.


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